13 days of the new year …

seemed to have gone by in a flash,

as you might have read in Mikes blog the winter has not really challenged us with the amount of snow but I suppose it always could be worse so I will be happy with what we have got.

Bees – so far so good, considering the none wintry weather they have been rather shy to come out, although some have ventured out here and there, but not as busy as I heard from other bee keepers. I have picked up two new books over Christmas, to do with bee keeping, one is Collins Bee keeper’s Bible and the other, The practical bee keeper by Michael Bush. I have started reading them and they are truly amazing so much to learn. I  know it does not equal practical experience but surely I must pick up some good ideas that I can possibly put into practise.
I am really excited about the bee keeping and I am going to work really hard to make it work for both of us this year and make the best of the experience. Learn as much as I can and talk to and go and watch my local bee keepers in action.

Otherwise I have been fairly busy with my crocheting, made some more animals plus I have started, a while ago, making a table cloth for a friend which I am hoping to finish soon. Will post a picture.

Nothing really that much happening this time of the year. I suspect we will be soon planning bits and bobs for the spring of 2014, garden, chickens, sheep. Our ewe is doing really well and I am very pleased that we kept her going, I do hope she is in lamb but we will see.

I am still hoping to expand my bee colony, getting 2 more beehives, plus some additions for the original hives ready to get bigger.

I do have great plans, so we shall see what will become reality and what will stay  a plan.

All the best for 2014 for all, mostly health, as it seems that is the most important thing to have these days. xxx M

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